This guide adopts conventions similar to those of the {\it Vector Calculus Bridge Project}:
\item {\bf Points} are denoted as $P = (x,y)$
\item {\bf Vectors} are written using basis vectors (e.g. $\{\hat{\imath}, \hat{\jmath}, \hat{k}\}$), with unit vectors denoted with a {\it hat} (e.g. $\hat{v}$) and non-unit vectors marked with an arrow (e.g. $\vec{0}$). With these conventions, vectors are written as $\vec{v} = 3\hat{\imath} + 4\hat{\jmath}$ and not $<3, 4>$.
\item {\bf Partial Derivatives} use partial derivative notation (e.g. $\partial f / \partial y$ ) instead of subscript notation ($f_y$), which is often confused with components of vector fields (e.g. $\vec{F} = F_x \hat{\imath} + F_y \hat{\jmath}$).
\item {\bf Spherical Coordinates} use $r$ as the spherical radial coordinate, $\theta$ as the angle from the North Pole, and $\varphi$ as the angle in the $xy$-plane. This convention for the angular coordinates provides a right-handed coordinate system (e.g. $\hat{r} \times \hat{\theta} = \hat{\varphi}$) and agrees with the conventions for spherical harmonics $Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\varphi)$ used in multiple science disciplines.
\item {\bf Polar and Cylindrical coordinates} use $(r, \varphi)$ and $(r, \varphi, z)$ where $\varphi$ is the angle in the $xy$-plane to match the conventions of spherical coordinates.
Additional discussion of these conventions is available from the Vector Calculus Bridge Project at \url{}.
Notation conventions vary with each instructor and unfamiliar notation can often restrict student progress with the lab activities. In order to facilitate adoption, all of the activities are editable via the site \url{} to accommodate instructor preferences regarding notation.